Month: April 2010

  • v-neck

    Took a few tries (had to rip back a bit due to shoulder miscalculation) but I finished knitting up the yoke the other night and joined the shoulders with a three-needle bindoff. Something about the shape of the neckline in this particular sweater really tickles my fancy! Then came some nice twisted ribbing. Works really […]

  • head down

    Why hello there. It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? I’ve been busy teaching, rehearsing, writing patterns, and generally trying to keep my head above water! Part of that is going back to older projects that are filling up my needles and trying to get them done (or ripped). I started this cardigan back in the winter […]

  • button, button

    Finally made it to Fabricland for some cheap ‘n’ cheerful buttons. I love fancy ones, but sometimes pewter or ceramic are just too heavy.