Month: January 2007

  • just-in-time head coverings

    Finally, the knits, the sun, the camera and I were all in the same place at the same time! I’ve got a pile of photos to store up and dole out over the next few days. Yay blog fodder. An FO, a while completed: Doesn’t look like so much flat, does it? It’s the adult […]

  • 24 18 hours later

    (Since there are only 46 minutes of content in an hour’s TV show) We took our time getting through the show – about four days. And that’s a lot of TV time for someone more used to one hour, maybe two a day! Anyway, I knit a lot of Lady E during all that couch-surfing. […]

  • so much tv-watching

    What I’ve been working on: Also provides some quality knitting time, of which I do have photos, but no time to upload them today. Perhaps tomorrow, although apparently I have to get up early to go to school! I’ve got an FO, a LOT of knits in progress, handspun yarns to post and upcoming knitterly […]