what’s that big yellow thing in the sky?

It was beauuuuutiful here this weekend. Alas, I was stuck inside studying (although Friday I did go out for a short bike ride). Damn. Ah, well, many more nice days to come, right?

I finished the knitting of the Balance cardi (hm, it needs a name):

balance without buttons

Now it just needs buttons! Seven for the front and one on each cuff. I love the picot hem.

pretty picot

Yes, I know that the colour looks completely different in these photos from those in the last entry. Really none of them are right – it’s really this colour:


(Image borrowed, without hotlinking of course, from Purl Soho.)

Lots of other knitting as well, but I’ll have to save those and dole them out as blog fodder for the week! Check out my flickr if you’re impatient.

Oh! One other thing though, I got some pretties in the mail. They’re from Ling Glass on Etsy. I looooove them, and I want others! The red leaf is 1.25 inches high.


P.S. I’ve added a bit more stuff to my destashing photoset, including a lot of 990 yards (!) and also lowered the prices on the other stuff remaining, so that the price now includes shipping. Buy my stuff, please!



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9 responses to “what’s that big yellow thing in the sky?”

  1. Nadia Lewis Avatar

    I love the blue pendant! Those swirls are just perfect.

  2. pamela wynne Avatar

    *dashes off to Flickr*

  3. not an artist Avatar

    Temptress. Those necklaces are gorgeous, I may have to run right off and buy some for me, too!

  4. Deirdre Avatar

    Love the sweater, in all its colour variations, and thanks for the pendants – because I don’t have enough stuff already…

  5. Dr. Steph Avatar

    Nice sweater–is this a for sale one?

    I’m not going to look at the glass (beautiful though it is) but I will check out the yarn.

  6. aija Avatar

    I love ling glass’ pendants, too! :)

    Can’t wait to see the cardi finished.

  7. Romi Avatar

    The sweater is gorgeous and I love the glass. I checked the site and it just says lead free solder is used. Is there any other metal used? I couldn’t tell.

  8. Kirstin Avatar

    Love the new sweater design! Are you going to put it on the site or offer it at the store. BTW, thanks for sending the patterns. The handwritten corrections remind me of looking at my grandmother’s much loved cookbooks.

  9. Sil Avatar

    Pretty sweater! I too have a few things from Ling Glass, I like that vendor very much.

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