My Jo Sharp Silkroad Tweed FINALLY came today! Yay! It’s so soft and nice. Yum, I can’t wait to knit with it…but that’ll have to wait for awhile.
I’ve finished the first sleeve of my Must Have, neglecting all other projects. Actually that’s not quite true, because I knit about 30 rows of my Lotech sleeve in lecture tonight. At any rate, that sleeve knit up fast! I think it’s because the cabling keeps your attention and makes things go faster because you’re always doing something.
I really need to get a move on those Christmas projects, though! I think I’ll start another scarf, since those are easy to take along with me to work on. I think for my dad I’ll do a Good Ole Cable Scarf, in Patons Classic Merino, and line the back with polar fleece. Actually, I think I might do something similar for my cousin as well, since I honestly don’t know what to make for him (he’s 20, same age as me).
Today I realized that legwarmers really do keep me warm! I’ve been wearing my Manos legwarmers under my jeans/pants, and they prevent the cold air from going up into my pant legs. I’m thinking about making another pair for me (black classic wool) and possibly a pair for a gift, only I can’t think of a recipient! Perhaps my sister.
Oh, and one more thing – Monica, we’ve gotten a couple of copies of Last Minute Knitted Gifts in, if you want to drop by and pick up a copy (that goes for everyone, really).
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