the post that grew

I thought I didn’t have much to blog about, but then I started taking pictures!

I started a pair of Broadripples, using the 72-stitch version. I’m using my Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock in Bittersweet and they are SO beautiful. I was worried it was going to be too big, so I did the socks on 2.0 mm needles – it just fits. I only started on Saturday but the leg went soooo quickly. The foot, not so much, but I still love it.

I started spinning up that rust roving, and this is what I came up with – it looks ok in the picture, and in real life as well, but that’s because I was at the section that was dyed a nice red. The majority of the yarn is orange, which I’m not huge on. Still waiting to pass judgement, though.

I also wound off the white corriedale singles I’ve been working on, and it’s a pretty honkin’ skein of 275 yards! I’m going to dye this up, sometime.

A finished colourway in merino! This stuff is soooooo soft, and I didn’t eff up the colour! It came out well and I’m happy. I’ve got another merino lot drying, and two soaking to be dyed today. I think one of them shall be a try at red, with some black…should be interesting.

Also, this pile just needs to be blocked, and there’ll be a finished object!

Keep cool!



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7 responses to “the post that grew”

  1. Nicole Avatar

    Your dyeing looks terrific. I am looking forward to seeing how it spins.

  2. Vicki Avatar

    SO much dyeing! The sock is amazing :)

  3. Emy Avatar

    That sock looks great! I am knitting Broadripples in Rowan Cashcotton, yum :)

  4. Erin Avatar

    Holy crap. Love those Broadripples. I’ll have to check them out tomorrow. All my straight plain socks seem so inadequate compared to the cute ones being churned out around blogland…

  5. kelly Avatar

    oh the socks look lovely. if i wasnt several inches into the second foot, i’d totally rip mine back and start over in broadripple.

  6. Christine Avatar

    Great Broadripples! Gotta do those in Lorna’s! Spinning looks wonderful too! Stay cool like a cucumber…he he he

  7. cara Avatar

    love the sock I am doing broadripples too,but have just started

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