
So how’s everyone’s week going? Good? Mine’s good, busy and nice. Of course, a byproduct of busyness is a shortage of knitting, which is of course unacceptable. I’ve been working on the tank in all season’s cotton – I’m almost up to the armholes and will need to decide what to do about the neck (I’m thinking v-neck). Still working on Soleil – working on the increases. Everything else, well, it’s kind of languished. I don’t want to start a new project until I finish something else, so I’m hoping to get some knitting done today. If not, there’s always SnB tomorrow. Oh, and I filled another bobbin (finally!) so I’ll be plying my yarn of Insane Craziness today.

For a bit of a change (and distraction from lack of knitting content): as I was going through my knits a little while ago (taking things out for Dulaan and ripping) I found my Cleo, knit from two strands of Lewiscraft-brand mercerized cotton (which is actually quite nice). I think it might actually, possibly, be wearable.

If not, I can always rip it.






6 responses to “tanking”

  1. Erin Avatar

    I’m into the cleo – I want to make one myself and your shot kind of solidified it for me. Seriously – really loving the crossover and everything (it’s a titty thing!). How much is that cotton? Will be making this (on list) don’t rip it!

  2. Julie Avatar

    don’t rip the Cleo. you’re only young once. it looks very sexy and elegant and you should wear it.

  3. susi Avatar

    hey laura,
    i like your halter top! a lot! :)
    it fits you a lot better than the girl on knitty, hehe. and i agree with julie, it’s sexy and elegant and you definitely can’t find that in any store!

  4. Vicki Avatar

    Looks pretty darn cute to me!!

  5. Maggie Avatar

    My giant breasts prevent me from making this beautiful tank and I am jealous. It looks fabulous on you. Totally wearable.

  6. jessie Avatar

    dude, it’s totally wearable! it looks pretty hot, too. i love cleo but do not love showing that much of my back, so i live vicariously through you!

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