So how’s everyone’s week going? Good? Mine’s good, busy and nice. Of course, a byproduct of busyness is a shortage of knitting, which is of course unacceptable. I’ve been working on the tank in all season’s cotton – I’m almost up to the armholes and will need to decide what to do about the neck (I’m thinking v-neck). Still working on Soleil – working on the increases. Everything else, well, it’s kind of languished. I don’t want to start a new project until I finish something else, so I’m hoping to get some knitting done today. If not, there’s always SnB tomorrow. Oh, and I filled another bobbin (finally!) so I’ll be plying my yarn of Insane Craziness today.
For a bit of a change (and distraction from lack of knitting content): as I was going through my knits a little while ago (taking things out for Dulaan and ripping) I found my Cleo, knit from two strands of Lewiscraft-brand mercerized cotton (which is actually quite nice). I think it might actually, possibly, be wearable.
If not, I can always rip it.
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