spring cleaning

Ah, the first real content post in my new digs! Exciting. Fresh new-blog-smell and everything!

First up, some spinning. I made my first Andean bracelet –

and made some 2-ply, around fingering weight.

Seemed like so much work though, and I only got this! Maybe this is why I want a wheel – because I’m impatient.

Inspired by Lauren over at Almost Felted, I went through my knitted stuffs for things to send to the Dulaan project. I came up with a few.

In the left bag are a miniponcho thing with a turtleneck, an A Capella, a scarf and hat. In the right bag are Topsecret and another hat. I’ll probably still try to get a few more hats out.

So naturally going through my stuff allowed me to reorganize – here’s a shot of my laundry basket (clean laundry only!) – turned WIP basket.

I also found some things to frog.

In the left bag are Syncopated Ribs (must rescue the Cotton-ease!), my criss-cross tank (from last spring’s Vogue – way too big), and a tank top called Jenna. In the right bag are the pieces from a sweater I started in Elann’s Highland Chunky – I think I’m going to restart the Urban Aran, but maybe not till the fall.

Oh, and one more thing – the cardi, she has sleevage…

I name her “Licorice cardigan”.

A shoutout to those who have managed to find me Strawberry Cream Cotton-ease! I should have enough for, well, probably a couple of projects! Mwah!

P.S. I’m working on the RSS feed. I have no idea how it works. Anyway have any pointers?






3 responses to “spring cleaning”

  1. Dani Avatar

    Give bloglines until the end of the week to recognize your feed. I checked your RSS and it seems fine. Bloglines will not recognize it until your site propogates through the web a bit

  2. Julie Avatar

    Love your new site. Very pretty and unified layout. Dryly witty and engaging writing, as usual. Good job Laura!

  3. Leslie - knitting therapist Avatar
    Leslie – knitting therapist

    Hey Laura,

    If you end up with an extra 8-10 balls of Strawberry Cream, I’ll be glad to take it off your hands.
    I checked all the places I could find in Winnipeg for cotton ease(just in case) – but no luck. See you soon.

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