Party #1

This morning I went with my family to the cemetary to meet with extended family in the Chinese tradition of “paying respects” to my great-grandmother and great-grandfather. It involves planting flowers, lighting incense, and….eating! Yep, we eat a pretty big spread right there in the cemetary. I think people driving by think we’re nuts…

At any rate, I finished knitting a Bottom’s Up Bucket from Chicknits, out of Lion Brand Cotton-Ease in Red and 4 mm Denise needles. I made the medium size for my large head, as the gauge of the yarn is slightly larger than what is called for. The hat is cute, but it definitely needs some blocking!

I got my first box from Elann yesterday! It’s my first online yarn purchase ever, and I couldn’t be happier! I got a cone of Naturelle 8/8 in Denim forEyelet from Knitty, 13 skeins (I don’t think I’ll need that much, but better to have leftovers, of course) of Black Sonata cotton for a Go-Everywhere Cardigan from Stitch ‘n Bitch, and 7 skeins each of Sonata in Burgandy Rose and Sonata Print in Summer Sky for tank tops…or something, I’m not quite sure yet. I’m rather ashamed to say that although I really shouldn’t be spending even MORE money on yarn, there’s another box from Elann winging its way to me now. Eeek. At least for that box it’s less than $50 CDN.

I’m going to a party tonight and want to start Eyelet, so I’m winding off a rather large ball from the Naturelle to take with me. I figure that once I can’t hold the ball to wind it, I’ll stop.







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