I finally picked back up this pair of socks that I cast on in December (as far as I can remember…) – STR lightweight in Gingerbread Dude. I’d originally bought two skeins and thought I’d make knee socks, and started one from the toe up with a gusset heel.
Unfortunately when I picked the sock back up a couple weeks ago, I decided I didn’t like the heel – so I ripped it all the way back, about eight inches of knitting! But I powered on. And then decided I didn’t want to make knee socks, so I just stopped the one I was working on and started the other.
The second sock was knit really fast, in about 3-4 days last week while hanging with Ysolda (and our many subway trips). Alas….on my way to knee socks I’d made the first sock rather long. I was knitting along on the leg of the second sock, when I noticed that my ball of yarn was getting ever so small.
Of course, I knit faster and faster, hoping to outrun the yarn, but alas, it was not to be.
I ran out of yarn about 3 rounds before the end of the first sock. But I bound off and well, I’m too lazy to rip back the first sock to match. No one will ever be able to tell anyway!
Also, I am crocheting – the Butterscotch Cardigan from the latest Interweave Crochet. It’s fun, although kinda slow (I do knit rather fast because I’m more used to it). And I had to rip out most of this piece after I discovered that I wasn’t increasing enough. But it’s back on track now! Lorna’s Laces in Douglas Fir.
One more thing, today – I’ve finally set up my patterns with Ravelry downloads! So now you can get an automated download link. Payment is still by Paypal – I’ve added a Ravelry download button to each of the pattern pages, along with the Paypal direct button (which will be manually sent). You can also check out my pattern store on Ravelry here!
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