New month, new blog

Welcome all! Hope you found your way here without any trouble. This whole wordpress thing is mightly cool, but I’ve got questions for those who can answer them…

1) This is a really simple question but – how do I change the font colour in the header to black? I can’t seem to find the header font thing in my stylesheet. I might just put the actual title on the header as a jpg, but I want to see how it looks just with the black text…
2) How to I make my monthly archives show as the full entries and not just the beginnings?
3) How do I get the list bullets on the sidebar? Thanks Kelly!
4) How do I make all my old entries (back at the old place) not show up, but not be deleted?

I suck at the coding thing, especially since I don’t know php well (or at all) so any help would be most appreciated!






9 responses to “New month, new blog”

  1. Dani Avatar

    Oh wow! A new blog! Like the new design! Look forward to reading more here… I wish I could help you, but I am a retard when it comes to that stuff! Ask sweetgeorgia, she has got it on when it comes to that stuff. .. I think she is in the web design field! Good luck!

  2. Aven Avatar

    Very pretty. Can’t help you, though — I know Nothing about such things. Oh, but I can tell you that you don’t have an RSS feed yet, as far as Bloglines can tell… but I’m sure you’ll get that sooner or later. :)

  3. kelly Avatar

    Lookin good! I see you figured out how to get the background working :)

    In your stylesheet, in the header, look for something that reads #FFFFFF (might be listed as #FFF). It will probably be the text for the header :)

    As for the lists on the side, you will need to use html. to start the list, and then for each item. Remember to close your tags though, so after each item, and when the list is done. (remove the spaces! i had to include them so that WP didnt think I was trying to actually use them here)

  4. kelly Avatar

    aw crap, it didnt post the tags. I’ll email you how to do it.

  5. grumperina Avatar

    Congratulations! Good luck as you learn the ins and outs of WordPress. I’m sorry I can’t help you with your questions because I’m so clueless! However, by poking and prodding, you’ll get there, I’m sure. My domain just turned 1 month old, and I feel I’ve learned so much already :).

  6. grumperina Avatar

    P.S. I don’t mean to alarm you, but Bloglines isn’t seeing an RSS feed from your blog… and your RSS link at the bottom of the page isn’t working. It could be just Bloglines, or my stupidity, or something else… any ideas?

  7. Vicki Avatar

    Congrats on the new site. I know you must be learning a lot, I had to before I got mine to look good on blogger. Hope you can figure out the RSS soon, oh how I rely on bloglines. It looks great over here :)

  8. Monica Avatar

    Try searching for the word “h1” in your stylesheet. It’s a lot easier if you copy and paste the whole thing into word pad so you can use the find function.

    For getting your archives to read everything change your archive template the_excerpt() to the_content(‘Read the rest of this entry »’); and that should work. Any other questions feel free to e-mail me, I just got mine set up the other day.

  9. holly Avatar

    i’ve got a testing ground for wordpress running on one of my machines at work. i’ll look around a bit today if i get a chance.

    you don’t need to know php to change most things, such as formatting and basic layout. CSS is enough. if you want some resources for that, i can send you some links to my favorite online references and inspirations.

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