About 2 hours of spinning…

Ready to be plied when I get home from class tonight. I have no more white corriedale (I had bought a pound, also spun up a bunch at Denny’s that time). Damn. This wheel ROCKS. Student discount, too!






4 responses to “”

  1. ~Jo~ Avatar

    Oh WOW! How lucky are you!!! I actually called a store this week about this same wheel. I am so jealous, so it’s really hard and a pain to spin, right? Must stay away ’cause it’s evil and all that. Oh I’m sure it’s not THAT fun, right? ;) Enjoy spinning for those who can’t…. yet. I can’t believe how much you have done in only two hours.

  2. andrea Avatar

    beautiful beautiful. lucky you ;)

  3. naomi Avatar

    Ooooooh, that’s lovely. (Where is this place that offers student discounts? Is that common?)

  4. Vicki Avatar

    Yaay! It looks great, and you’re kicking butt on that coriedale :)

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