I have central vac…

…so therefore have no vacuum bag to toss! Thanks for looking out for me, though. I certainly hope them crawlies aren’t going to come climbing up several rooms’ worth of vacuum tube. Hmmm.

Anyway. All this finishing has left me wanting to start something new, although it probably don’t get much time due to design priorities. Mmmm, Pakucho cotton (sorry, a bit blurry).

I started this on Wednesday night at SnB – can you guess what it is?

Yep, Raspy from Denim People. My run placements were screwed up unique because I didn’t read the pattern properly, but it was going swimmingly – and fast! This is how much I had on Thursday afternoon.

Unfortunately by Thursday night, I realized that although I cast on for the smallest size (to fit bust 32″, finished size 35″ – I don’t like that much ease my sweaters) my gauge was screwing me over. Wayyyy too big.

So nearly three skeins’ worth of knitting was ripped. I took 16 stitches off the body of the sweater and went down a needle size as well, for good measure. I just finished the first ball again. The yarn ripped like a champ, although it had only been knit up for 24 hours before it was ripped! Soooo soft, too.







One response to “I have central vac…”

  1. Jen Avatar

    Raspy is going to look great. I love that sweater every time I see it. I guess I need to get that book.

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