Just got back from a birthday party, and am realizing how very tired I am – will probably spend the next 10 hours or so sleeping, which I haven’t been able to do in weeks. Anyway, on to the knitting!
I’ve got a good half a sleeve done of the Retro-Prep, and this is going to be one comfy sweater! Yay for raglans!
The Lorna’s sock didn’t see much action today, but here’s a progress shot anyway.
Yum. I can’t wait to wear these socks!
And now for replies to some comments…
Susan – yeah, that’s what I figured about the neckline. Even thought of the short-rows! I’ll just have to see how wide I actually want the neckline when I get there, I suppose.
Marie – I was thinking of doubling to get worsted gauge. But I just looked at the page again and realized that you only get 100 m per 25 g skein, so you’d need at least 20 for any sort of top. I think a nice wrap would be gorgeous.
Okay, I’m freezing and exhausted so off to bed I go! Night!
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