Some tidbit of a post is better than none, no? I’ve taken photos of various things in progress, but no time/energy to upload and tinker with them at the moment.
(I can tell I’ve been working in Word a little much when I try to hit apple-S to save this post)
On the school front, I’m getting there. I’ve got one 20-page paper done for Tuesday, most of a linguistics assignment done for tomorrow (I need to go look at that soon and fix up the last little bit) and am working on another 10-pager for Tuesday, which is about halfway there but not going so great. Arghhhh.
I’m knitting a dress – I worked on it today while subway-ing down to the library. I’ve knit the bodice and am working on the skirt separately, then I’ll three-needle bind them off together. Problem is, I think I might be a bit short on the yardage for the skirt. I’m using Southwest Trading Company Beyond, which is definitely discontinued, possibly not even really released widely? I only got 4″ of skirt out of one ball. I only have four total to do the skirt.
In an effort to get more fabric, I’m going to up the needle size each ball – it’ll give the skirt a bit of a flare, and stretch the yardage. I need at least 16″ of skirt to be decent (which yes, I should get) so I’m really hoping this’ll work. Otherwise I suppose I could make a contrast hem or something.
Okay. Enough with the stalling…I’m so close!
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