Nothing much to report, although I did rediscover why I don’t like sewing very much. I can handle straight seams, curved seams, even zippers. But a dress I worked on the other night has gotten the better of me, and I give up on that. Not that it’s difficult, but after all the struggles it doesn’t even fit. Bah. Oh well. I did cut pieces for a tried-and-true skirt, so I’m off to sew that up shortly.
So. Cotton-Ease. I think I will buy some now (well, this week). But what colours? I’m thinking strawberry cream, blueberry, maybe just a skein or two of pistachio (pink + green = yay) and one of banana cream or pineapple. What do y’all think on that? Banana cream or pineapple?
I’m oh-so-close to being done the knitting of the phildar jacket. Seaming shall commence tonight, and maybe a new project will too.
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