Thanks for all the compliments on the minisweater! It was really fun to make and feels great. Here are my modifications for anyone that wants them – pattern is here.
– no puffy sleeves: I omitted the additional sleeve increases (those starting at row 15) and in the sleeve section, just worked straight without decreases.
– I did fewer increase rows in the body section, but it still ended up a bit big – I tried to do the button thing to the side, but it just didn’t work. So, I picked up four stitches from one of the front edges and knit a garter stitch strip for the tie, repeating on the other side for the other one.
– no trim.
Meanwhile, you know the yarn fast I’m on? Well, I did buy some yarn July 31st – from ebay, at Janette’s Rare Yarns. It’s a bag of Rowan Wool/Cotton, in “Poster Blue”, a gorgeous deep royal blue.
And….since fibre doesn’t equal yarn, I finally ordered merino roving from R.H. Lindsay – it comes in a 27-pound put-up, with free shipping in the States. So, I’m having it shipped to the SO’s family in NJ, and he’ll bring it back across the border at the end of the month. And no, it’s not all for me!
In knitting, I’m juuuuust about finished the back of Elspeth, despite having to rip 6+ rows at a time, twice due to stupid errors. I think I’ll do a sleeve next.
I also started a secret project, for a going away present. I’m not sure if he actually reads this, but I’ll keep this on the DL, I think. But, I did my first-ever (and second-ever – sizing problems) tubular cast on, and it is loooovely.
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