
Home from the last class of the week (heh..my three-day week of classes), freshly showered, in my pj’s, a melted cheddar and tomato sandwich (SO good, you should all eat them), the season premiere of ER, and my knitting. What more does a girl need? Well, lots, but we’ll not go into that.

There was a girl in my lecture tonight crocheting something white and pretty! I saw her in the bathroom at break and asked her what she was making (it was a dishcloth). Maybe someone else for a UofT stitch and bitch? She was wearing this black cardigan with a white FI design on the yoke…made me want to knit a patterned yoke sweater (I suppose those are the Icelandic sweaters?).

I got a little bit done on the second strap of my bag during ER, but nothing terribly exciting. I did, however, decide to dissect my final ball of yarn to figure out where I should start so that the colour pattern is aligned on the strap properly. Still haven’t touched Bella…maybe if I take her downtown on Sunday Denny will weave in my ends ;) I would very much like to wear a finished Bella to next Wednesday’s SnB – maybe have someone take a pic of me a la Dani!

I seriously need to start a small project NOW so I have something to take with me – I was going nuts in lectures today!






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