a wee problem

Here’s a shot of my retro-prep. I actually want to get past the waist shaping so I can just knit even, round and round, without having to deal with pulling needles through and cord loops and all this and that as with the socks.

Here’s the pretty blue Regia I bought the other day. The pic’s a bit dark, but gives a pretty good sense of the colours anyway.

Now for the problem. I washed three sweaters (must have, jo sharp ribby, and the oatmeal bottom-up raglan) this week. I filled up the washing machine with warm water and added Eucalan, submerged my sweaters and let them sit for about 30 minutes, then spun out the water and laid everything to dry.

The oatmeal raglan seems to have…shrunk. Not felted exactly, and it’s not unwearable (although the neck’s a bit tight) but it’s definitely significantly smaller. It was seriously perfect before, so obviously something had to happen. Argh! Can I try re-blocking it? Stretching it out, wetting, pinning?

Who’d have thought just spinning it out would make it shrink…






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