Month: August 2010

  • there are projects all over

    But I still want to start something new! I believe this is the knitters’ affliction known as “startitis”. I am almost finished one new sweater though! (Photographing the colour remains elusive.) And I started another sweater that’s plainish, but the yarn is pretty captivating (Sweetgeorgia Superwash Sport in Ginger) I just keep flitting from project […]

  • cityscape, the first

    Since my Cityscape sweater pattern has been up on Twist for a little while now, I though it was high time I told you about how it came about! I just took these photos and the sweater’s a bit rumpled from being in the closet all summer – but it’s sure to get worn this […]

  • hexagon obsession

    A stack of hexes from nearly 2 skeins of Silk Garden Sock.