Month: April 2007

  • holed up

    I’m panicking a bit about the TWO exams I have this week – one Thursday night and the other Friday afternoon. But pictures of the Frolic goodies shall come soon, promise! …and of course, I’m knitting along with the studying. It helps, really.

  • a frolickin’ good time

    Whew. I am totally bagged – and I still have to make an attempt to study tonight! At least for a little while. The Knitter’s Frolic was awesome. Tons of familiar faces, lots to see and buy, of course! And it was certainly different to be on the vendor’s side of things for once. Both […]

  • goin’ on a big boat

    I am completely infatuated, must make it NOW obsessed with the Stitch Diva Hairpin Lace Skirt. I’ve got a slight step up on the technique, anyway – I’ve seen Denny do it! And I know how to single crochet, too. I am totally going to make it for my trip. Trip? Yep, I’m a-goin’ away, […]