Month: November 2006

  • random and pictureless

    It is rainy and grey and I don’t want to make the trek (50 minutes) down to school for one class. Blegh. But, it’s my man’s 22nd birthday and I will meet up with him downtown. So all is good. And since it’s warm, I can wear my new(ish) Gore-Tex jacket. I ran out of […]

  • squares are eating my brain

    Ah, squares. So soothing and easy and fun. I’ve been planning a blanket out of the Pakucho organic cotton I’ve got, and here’s the start. Well, “planning” is a stretch; I’m just going to knit random squares until I run out of yarn. I only have a few skeins of the green (yeah, it’s green) […]

  • insert creative title

    The log cabin blankie is growing; it’s really quite large now. I have this feeling that I might not stop until it’s actually big enough for say, the bed, but on the other hand I have a set amount of yarn now, and maybe I’ll just stop when it runs out. Someone asked for a […]