Month: February 2006

  • spinning, spinning

    Aw, thanks for all the awesome comments! When I picked Limerick as my project, I really, really REALLY didn’t think I was going to finish within the time – just ask Jen or Megan! Now I feel like I can tackle just about anything, and isn’t the the whole point? Anyway, onto some brand new […]

  • sick of it yet?

    I feel like I’ve been posting so much about this one project (well, it *has* been the only project I worked on for the last two weeks) that it must be getting boring! Anyway, it has come to an end, and here’s the final modelled shot and notes. Limerick Pattern: by Lousia Harding, Rowan 28 […]

  • not by name, alas

    There was an article in today’s Globe and Mail about the Knitting Olympics, and megan told them about me: “One Lettuce Knit regular has tackled a multipatterned, multicoloured Limerick sweater that would typically take an experienced knitter about a month to complete. Ms. Ingman said she is not sure the woman will cross the finish […]